
الأربعاء، 10 سبتمبر 2014

Manchu Vishnu Supports Swetha Basu Prasad

   From past few days, Swetha Basu Prasad’s Prostitution became hot topic to the Media. Several Channels and websites showed much interest in writing vulgarly about her to promote themselves. Few Tollywood celebrities stood to support her, where media is criticizing her.
  Manchu Vishnu responded on the issue,   he said that Media and Police are concentrating only on Swetha Basu as she is celebrity. Media went rudely on this issue which is not correct. Police and Media have to expose the persons who caught along with her in police ride. Swetha is very talented actress who was honored with national award at the age of 11 years. He also said that he will offer a good role for Swetha Basu in his next movie.
