
Friday 27 January 2012

Add Blogger Blog to Google Webmasters Tools

Google has integrated Webmaster tools for Blogger / Blogspot Blogs since long time but still newbies face problem getting verified and submitting Blogger sitemap to Webmasters tools. Follow the simple steps to add blogger blog to Webmaster Tools. Adding your site to google webmaster tools increases your blog’s visibility in search engines which means more traffic. Add and Verify Blogger Blog to Webmasters Tools Login to Blogger Dashboard. At the end of the page, under Tools and Resources box – Click on Webmaster Tools. If asked, enter username and password again to Login. Your Blogspot blog is now verified and it is added to Google Webmaster tools. Submit Blogger Blog Sitemap to Webmasters Tools Sitemap is basically page containing Article URLs of your blog alongwith metadata. It is updated whenever you post an article and used by Search engines to crawl Blog data. Not only Google but also use by other search engines like Yahoo, Bing,etc. Inside Webmaster tools, click on Submit a Sitemap and add the following code atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=100 If you have more than 200 posts then replace value 100 by something bigger number like 500. You have successfully added Blogspot blog sitemap to Google Webmasters Tools.
